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Sheep in Open Fields

Latest News!

Here's the latest updates from Keep Hatton Station Rural.

New event added at Budbrooke, click here for details.

KHSR in the media!

Nub News: Village residents say 4,500 new houses 'cannot happen here' as local plan progresses. Click here 

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-25 at 17.10.49.jpeg

"KHSR on the BBC! 28/6/2024
We are certainly getting the word out about the proposal for A New Community at Hatton.  This week, Joshua Nevett from the BBC came to meet us.  Fortunately, the weather was good!  He spent several hours with us filming indoors as we discussed the Turley Proposal and then outside around the area, and then interviewed Andrea, on camera, discussing farming regeneration matters.  Paul set the scene and explained the context, and shared information about the KHSR Volunteer Group.  It is anticipated that this will be shown on BBC Midlands Today early next week.  Keep an eye out!”

BBC Online Article 3/7/2024

"Housing and the green belt puts politics on tricky turf"



Can you help?


Share this information with your neighbours and friends. 


Do you have knowledge or experience with any of the areas below? We are looking for volunteers who can help with:

  • Severn Trent Water


Email us via the button below with your name and phone number and we’ll add you to our WhatsApp group. We will continue to update you via email with regular newsletters.

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